Mostrando 13–24 de 29 resultados

Transmisor | SV071G00401200 | Anderson-Negele

Modelo: SV071G00401200 Range (Available Units): (071) 0/100 (G,A)Engineering Units: (G) PSIGFitting: (004) 1-1/2" Tri-ClampDisplay Value: (0) NoneDiaphragm Material: (1) 316L Stainless SteelDiaphragm Finish: (2) Electropolished (Ra=8)Cable Length: (00) No Cable Quantity     ...

Manómetro | EB0740100440430000 | Anderson-Negele

Modelo: EB0740100440430000 Range: (029) 30" Hg/0/30 psigName on Dial: (01) Anderson-NegeleFittings: (004) 1-1/2" Tri-ClampMount: (1) BottomDampening: (0) Standard DampeningCalibration Adjustment/Stop: (1) Re-Zero (Standard)Capillary Fill: (1) Mineral Oil (FDA Approved)Materials of Construction: (A) StandardTemperature: (0) StandardLens: (0)...

Sensor RTD | SA110040370105 | Anderson-Negele

Modelo: SA110040370105 Wiring Style: (1) Sealed Cable w/Strain ReliefElement Type: (1) 100 ohm Single (DIN stnd.)Fitting: (004) 1-1/2" Tri-ClampInsertion Length: (037) 2-3/4"Probe: (0) Standard (for well fittings)Cable Type: (1) Multiple conductor...

Manómetro | EB0310100410430000 | Anderson-Negele

Modelo: EB0310100410430000Range: (029) 30" Hg/0/30 psigName on Dial: (01) Anderson-NegeleFittings: (004) 1-1/2" Tri-ClampMount: (1) BottomDampening: (0) Standard DampeningCalibration Adjustment/StopCapillary Fill: (1) Mineral Oil (FDA Approved)Materials of...

Transmisor de presión | HH071G005A0A00| Anderson-Negele

Modelo: HH071G005A0A00 Standard Range URL: (071) 0/100 psigTransducer Type: (G) GaugeFitting: (005) 2" Tri-ClampCable Length: (A0) Quick Disconnect Receptacle (QDR)Marking: (A) Anderson-NegeleCalibration: (000) Standard (URL) Calibration  Quantity         ...

Transmisor | HH-028-G-004-A0A-000 | Anderson-Negle

Modelo: HH-028-G-004-A0A-000  Standard Range URL: (028) 30" Hg/0/15 psigTransducer Type: (G) GaugeFitting: (004) 1-1/2" Tri-ClampCable Length: (A0) Quick Disconnect Receptacle (QDR)Marking: (A) Anderson-NegeleCalibration: (000) Standard (URL) Calibration  Quantity       ...

Abrazadera | GH13LAH-1.5 | Anderson-Negele

Modelo: GH13LAH-1.5 Output Options: (FIX) Integral explosion proof frequency to analog converter Cable: (000) No cable (for R and F options above) List Price for this product:...

Adaptador |EM029010041011A0000 | Anderson-Negele

Modelo: EM029010041011A0000 Range: (029) 30" Hg/0/30 psigName on Dial: (01) Anderson-NegeleFittings: (004) 1-1/2" Tri-ClampMount: (1) BottomDampening: (0) Standard DampeningCalibration Adjustment/Stop: (1) Re-Zero (Standard)Capillary Fill: (1) Mineral Oil (FDA Approved)Materials of Construction: (A) StandardTemperature: (0)...

Sensor de nivel | EM029010041011A0000 | Anderson-Negele

Modelo: EM029010041011A0000 Range: (029) 30" Hg/0/30 psigName on Dial: (01) Anderson-NegeleFittings: (004) 1-1/2" Tri-ClampMount: (1) BottomDampening: (0) Standard DampeningCalibration Adjustment/Stop: (1) Re-Zero (Standard)Capillary Fill: (1) Mineral Oil (FDA Approved)Materials of Construction: (A) StandardTemperature: (0)...

Manómetro | EM931010044111A0000 | Anderson-Negele

Modelo: EM931010044111A0000 Range: (931) 30" Hg/0/60 psig (-1/0/4 Bar)Name on Dial: (01) Anderson-NegeleFittings: (004) 1-1/2" Tri-ClampMount: (4) BackDampening: (1) Glycerine Filled Case(OF)Calibration Adjustment/Stop: (1) Re-Zero (Standard)Capillary Fill: (1) Mineral Oil (FDA Approved)Materials...

Manómetro sanitario | EL077010041011A0000 | Anderson-Negele

Modelo: EL077010041011A0000 Range: (077) 0/300 psigName on Dial: (01) Anderson-NegeleFittings: (004) 1-1/2" Tri-ClampMount: (1) BottomDampening: (0) Standard DampeningCalibration Adjustment/Stop: (1) Re-Zero (Standard)Capillary Fill: (1) Mineral Oil (FDA Approved)Materials of Construction: (A) StandardTemperature: (0) StandardLens: (0)...

Manómetro | EB069010041043 | Anderson-Negele

Modelo: EB069010041043 Range: (029) 30" Hg/0/30 psigName on Dial: (01) Anderson-NegeleFittings: (004) 1-1/2" Tri-ClampMount: (1) BottomDampening: (0) Standard DampeningCalibration Adjustment/Stop: (1) Re-Zero (Standard)Capillary Fill: (1) Mineral Oil (FDA Approved)Materials of Construction: (A) StandardTemperature: (0)...